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30 New Art Pieces At The Museum of Applied Arts

The collection of ceramics has been enriched by more than 30 pieces of art work, originated mostly from the Far East. The selection of ceramics donated by violinist Magda Bácsi can be seen as part of the museum’s permanent collection.

Szerző: MTI | Forrás: | 2013-05-02 09:00:24

The pieces represent the ceramic art of more than 5 thousand years. Neolithic pots with geometric ornamentation, unique burial ceramics, animal-shaped utensils, celadon glazed pots, porcelain are all part of the selection displayed in the show

According to the Museum one of the most outstanding pieces of the collection is a figure of a Chinese horse archer „The ceramic statuette can be dated back to the Han era (206 B.C. – 220 A.D). Its proportions, the presentation of horse and horseman, the attire of the warrior, the accuracy of the painting are all astonishing, a true relic from a 2 thousand-year-old culture.”

According to the Museum of Applied Arts the total value of Magda Bácsi’s donation is around 100 million forints (335.000. Euros). The whole material will be on display following the systematic registration of the pieces and the total reconstruction of the museum’s building.

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