Our new interview series asks museum directors about their institutions. For the second interview we travelled to a small town in the south-east of Hungary to meet Dr. Mária Beres.
A museum is a place where objects, pictures, texts and ideas are ‘included’ in a space and present themselves in apparent immobility. Reception requires patience, openness and curiosity, time and slowing...
2016-01-07Frazon Zsófia
It has been announced recently that Gábor Martos, the head of the prestigious Hungarian museum journal, MúzeumCafé, is stepping down. Meet the woman who will take the steering wheel for the coming years.
2015-12-30Berényi Marianna
The url www.magyarmúzeumok.hu belongs to the Pulszky Society and using the name Magyar Múzeumok Online (MMO) the project, whose website you are reading right now, has primarily been financed by the National...
2015-12-28Berényi Marianna
It sounds like an urban legend but the story of coins of Fertőboz, a tiny village on the border between Austria and Hungary, are true.
2015-12-14Hajagos Csaba
Come along with us to the Budapest Gallery to have a closer look at Mária Chilf's piece in an exciting exhibition called "Imagined Communities, Personal Imaginations".
2015-12-08Turai Hedvig
Visualizing the Nation. Post-Socialist ImagiNations | International conference in English.
2015-11-24Magyar Múzeumok Online
Csanád Szesztay, the photographer of Budapest’s Museum of Fine Arts, shared his ideas on photographing objects, which goes beyond taking photos in a museum.
2015-11-07Pallag Zoltán
In terms of its topic it is ambitious, in terms of implementation it is fastidious although its title is far from reflecting all these values. An exhibition in the Museum of Ethnography in Budapest.
2015-10-20Keszeg Anna
The new exhibition in the Ludwig Museum features, among many others, the works of Jasper Johns, Roy Lichtenstein, Claes Oldenburg, Andy Warhol and Mimmo Rotella also sheding light on their influence in...
2015-10-12Magyar Múzeumok Online
The exhibition has a long title: A Monk, a Prelate, a Patriot: Pál Széchényi. The Reearch of the Mummy in Nagycenk, but it is worth seeing how it evokes a wonderful life of a great person with lots of...
2015-09-20Berényi Marianna