Mixed Preserves


In the Döry Fruit Cannery, at the end of the 19th century, fruit jam was produced. From the early 20th canned green pea was also made.

2013-07-25 08:21
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Mixed Preserves, in unopened can. Oval shaped (slightly damaged), in its label the following can be read: „Döry Cannery, Ujdombovár /Canned Friut Coctail”. The object is the property of the Dombóvár Local History Museum, registration number: 2011.8.1.

Several members of the noble Döry family started their business in the food industry in the second half of the 19th century. Besides cheese making (trappist cheese) Etelka Döry decided to establish a fruit canning factory. Due to the increasing number of purchasing orders during World War I. the cannery was continually expanding. In 1923 the business became an incorporated company. Fruit and vegetable were also canned, with a separate green pea preserve department. The products of the cannery were well-known throughout Europe. They were exported to several countries in the continent in the 1930s and were even shipped to South-America too. After 1945 the factory was closed, the machines were dismantled and taken away.

Source: Attila Ulrich – József Pozsonyi: A jobaházi Döry család története. Debrecen, 2009. (History of the Döry Family. Debrecen, 2009.)