2013 Novelties In The Autumn Festival Of Museums


In 2013 not only four new topics are being presented during the Autumn Festival of Museums, the organizers of the program are preparing several surprises and innovative solutions.

Nagy Magdolna 2013-10-03 13:16
Cikk küldése e-mail:

The slogan of the 2013 festival: ”Museums For Everyone!” The idea is meant literary, since the organizers want to get to those people who have not been addressed directly by the previous festivals, namely the teenagers and their teachers.


Museums are preparing a special program for educators, called the „Night of Teachers”. Such initiation has never been started before in Hungary. On October 11th in several towns museums open their gates at the same moment to prove teachers nursery school and kindergarten educators how it is possible to teach and entertain children in museums.

The most difficult task probably is the involvement of secondary school students. The central topic of the 11th National Museum Pedagogical Convocation connected to the teenagers (16+ Museums In The Crosshairs) With the help of the program ”16+ Meetings at the Museum - Students before partying”, by organizing special shoes, concerts, sports events, museums try to make their exhibitions more attractive to the young generations.

The most important goal of the organizers of the Autumn Festival of Museums is to change the traditional image of museums. For this reason they completed the offer of the festival with such topics with which visitors can get to know museums from a „different angle”.

A displayed object can be much more personal if the visitors ”see into its soul”, if we can learn about the story of its origin or restoration. The aim of the program ”Doctor Object Consulting” to get the visitors closer to the object by looking into the every day work of restorers or even consulting with them concerning their own family heirlooms.

To get all the information about the festival to more and more visitors an intensive Facebook and a Google campaign is going to be launched, furthermore the news portal Origo will propagate the events of the festival for a month. The website magyarmuzeumok.hu will sustain the interest of the public until the end of the festival

The website of the festival has also been renewed, the www.oszifesztival.hu site was completed with additional menu links that can make the program series even more interesting such as more background information, games and a mini web shop

In the success of the festival’s communication museums’ own communication play an important role  In the previous years museums were given only the national program brochure and general posters. This year poster and flyer patterns were also added to the communication pack, thus the museums could independently edit the texts concerning their programs.

And there is still another novelty. The Open-Air Museum founded a new prize the liflong Achievement Museum Pedagogical Prize. It can be obtained by museum professionals who proved that working for the public can easily surpass the frames of their own institution. The prize was awarded to Dr. Tamás Vásárhelyi in 2013.

The organizers of the festival hope that this year the programs will increase the popularity of the Autumn Festival and will help modifying the old, traditional image of the museums.