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The Promise of the Commissioner

The ICOM Hungarian National Committee and the Pulszky Society emphasize the importance of preserving the values when uniting the Museum of Fine Arts and the National Gallery.

Szerző: Magyar Múzeumok Online | Forrás: | 2011-11-24 21:22:46

The government commissioner responsible for the concept of the new national public collection complex informed the board of the ICOM Hungarian National Committee and that of the Pulszky Society – Hungarian Museum Association about the aims and ideas of the government concerning the new museum quarter and talked about his tasks and responsibilities. During the consultation the commissioner asked the two professional organizations to participate in the process of the elaboration of the concept. The boards of the organizations gave voice to their commitment in the close co-operation, mainly because the realization of the concept can open new dimensions and will undoubtedly influence the museum developments of the next several decades.


According to the boards of the two professional organizations the institutions yet to be created will have to preserve all the heritage and value accumulated by the existing museum collections, so that they can reach a new level of quality in museum work.


The boards of the organizations were informed by the commissioner about the planned unification of the National Gallery and the Museum of Fine Arts and created the mutual viewpoint that during the process the above mentioned criteria must prevail; it can only be completed with the incorporation of the views and suggestions of the museum professionals and their representatives.


The boards of the ICOM Hungarian National Committee and the Pulszky Society will delegate 2 members in the professional committee helping the elaboration of the concept of the new museum quarter.


Through these delegates the museum professionals will have the opportunity to obtain detailed information of the elaboration of the concept and the organizations will have the chance to give voice to the opinion of museum professionals.


In case of the optimal functioning of the process the aims of the government decision will be realized with the help of the opinions – sometimes the critical viewpoints - of the museum professional organizations. The government commissioner promised both boards that such consultations will be held regularly in the future.

Dr Miklós Cseri



Dr. Péter Deme


Pulszky Society - Hungarian Museum Asssociation

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