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Museum of the Year Competition 2011

Szerző: Magyar Múzeumok Online | Forrás: | 2012-05-19 14:09:03

The Prize and the Committee

Pulszky Society – Hungarian Museum Association announced its competition for the 15th time last year. 16 museums took part in the competition to gain the title Museum of the Year 2011. This merit can be won through the comprehensive examination of the museums’ work on all its levels. The successfulness and efficiency are judged by the results of the past year. According to the practice of the past years the judging committee examined the information sent by the applicants and visited them to see what they find on the spot. The judging committee consisted of the representatives of Pulszky Society, the Ministry of Human Resources, the National Cultural Fund, the ICOM Hungarian National Committee and the Hungarian national Museum.


Prizes, Special Prizes, Merits

The winner of the „Museum of the Year 2011” title:

Hungarian Natural History Museum, for their versatile collection development and practice, for spreading their articulate and easily understandable natural history viewpoints.

Balaton Museum, for renewing the museum building and the permanent exhibition in a visitor-friendly way, for their rich and successful museum pedagogical programs.

The cost of the main prizes was financed by the Public Collection College of the National Cultural Fund.


Special Prizes:

The Special Prize of the Pulszky Society was won by the 18th District Pedagogical Institute and Local History Collection for serving the local community with rich programs and exhibitions of high standard.

The Special Prize of ICOM Hungarian National Committee was won by the Town Art Museum (Győr) for their exquisite presentation of 20th century contemporary art, for their employment of modern ways of mediating cultural knowledge.

The Special Prize of the Department of Public Collection of the Ministry of Human Resources was won by the Bihari Museum (Berettyóújfalu) for creating a small town modern museum, for the rich and versatile museum pedagogical programs

The Special Prize of the Department of Public Collection of the Ministry of Human Resources was won by the János Thorma Museum (Kiskunhalas) for their successful museum development program and for the creation of their new pedagogical store rooms.

The Special Prize of the Hungarian National Museum was won by the József Koszta Museum (Szentes) for the successful representation of the professional interests of the museum in agreement with the demands of the local community, for the creation of their pedagogical storage center.

The Special Prize of the Association of National Public Collections was won by the National Theatre Museum and Institute for the renewal of Hungarian theatre history and museology, for the comprehensive research of contemporary Hungarian museology.

The Special Prize of the Asociation of County Museum Directorates was won by the Dezső Laczkó Museum (Veszprém) for their succesful development projects, for their community serving exhibitions and other museum programs


The Merit Award of the judging committee was won by:

István Fekete Múzeum (Dombóvár) for their enthusiastic work of collecting, for their unquestionable social status in the local community.

Kiskőrös Vehicular Special Collection (Kiskőrös) for their new exhibition arranged in the newly established museum building, for the creating of their museum pedagogical programs of high.

Ferenc Liszt Memorial Museum and Research Center (Budapest), for their scientific work, international connection network, for their impressive publishing work.

Agricultural Machine Museum (Mezőkövesd) for their commitment in developing the museum, for their outstanding results based on the social embededdness in the local community.

Nógrád History Museum (Salgótarján) for preserving cultural heritage in hard circumstances, for proving they give proper answers to new challenges.

Óbuda Museum (Budapest) for documenting and presenting the traditions of Óbuda, for their systematic museum development and for saving the Textile Museum.

Pásztó Museum (Pásztó) for the methodical developments, for the completion of high-standard children’s programs and publishing museum pedagogical works.


Congratulations to all the winners!

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