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Műcsarnok May Be Supervised By Hungarian Academy Of Art

The government on Wednesday will probably decide about the proposal that would give the Hungarian Academy of Art the right to supervise Műcsarnok.

Szerző: MTI | Forrás: | 2012-11-22 08:33:34

The director emphasised: it is an essential point, whether only the trusteeship of the building will be taken over by the Academy, or the Műcsarnok Nonprofit Ltd and its professional supervision as well.

Tamás Gergely Kucsera, general secretary of the Hungarian Academy of Art also stated that the final decision of the future of Műcsarnok has not been made, but only the right of trusteeship of the gallery building would not be logical, since the up-keeping and professional supervising can only be carried out in unity, in an integrated way.

"As president of the Academy György Fekete already declared, we would not seclude ourselves from the managing Műcsarnok, as a national institution responsible for presenting contemporary art, since the Art Academy, through its members, is basically the representation of Hungarian art”- said Mr. Kucsera

He added that in the case of the new situation the financing of the Gallery will be the responsibility of the Academy also. „If we get Műcsarnok, besides the task, the building and infrastructure, the resources will also be guaranteed by the government”.

Mr. Kucsera stated that even if the takeover starts on January 1st, 2013, the programs already contracted for 2013 will not be changed or altered; the preparations of the professional planning for the future of Műcsarnok will only start after the government decision.


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