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The Museum and Change V

Ötödik alkalommal rendez nemzetközi konferenciát a cseh múzeumok és galériák szervezet (Czech Association of Museums and Galleries) a múzeumok társadalmi szerepéről. JELENTKEZÉS.

Szerző: Magyar Múzeumok Online | Forrás: | 2016-07-19 09:00:08

Impact of Demographic Changes on Social Role of Museums címmel 2016 novemberében megrendezett konferencia szekcióiba július 31-ig lehet leadni jelentkezések 15 perces előadásokra.

A konferencia regisztrációs weboldalát ITT, az online jelentkezéssel kapcsolatos legfontosabb információkat pedig ITT lehet megtalálni.

Impact of Demographic Changes on Social Role of Museums

In autumn of this year the Czech Association of Museums and Galleries in cooperation with other entities prepares already the fifth international conference called Muzeum a změna V / The Museum and Change V. Previous years in 2002, 2005, 2009 and 2013 tried to look for answers to many questions on museum activities and museum everyday practice – How have the organizational conditions, collecting activities and approach of museums to their visitors changed? How to educate newly the incoming generation of museum employees? How do the professional organizations affect the museum work? What is the museum role in the modern society? The fourth meeting organized in 2013 brought the theme of documentation of the present and meant the great interest of the museum public not only in the Czech Republic but also in Europe or overseas. The fourth year of the conference included for the first time also the student section called Museums, Museology and Students.

In the fifth conference we would like to continue the themes of previous meetings and to emphasize again what have been changed in museums and galleries and museology during three years and what is currently going on in museum institutions, how they respond to social development and incoming changes. The main theme of our meeting will be impact of demographic changes on social role of museums, in all fields and aspects of museum work. We will concentrate on role of the museums in society – in history and also at present, reflexes of historical demography, cultural anthropology and also ethnology in museum activities, we will present in wide context current demographic changes, statistical and economic bases or visions and instruments for the forthcoming change of social role of museums.

The conference called Muzeum a změna V / The Museum and Change V is already the fifth occasion for the museums and galleries employees, pedagogues, students, representatives of other memory and cultural institutions and also their establishers to meet. These meetings have already become regular debating space over the topical themes concerning not only museums, their visitors and everyday practice. The theme of the impact of demographic changes on social role of museums will connect all five planned conference blocks and it will surely provoke many questions and the need for searching for answers. If we look beyond borders of the Czech Republic, we will find out that we are not the only ones to deal with this topic, from the point of view of migration situation in Europe it is more than a topical issue. Therefore distinguished foreign guests will participate in the conference and they will share with us their experience in this area. The aim of our meeting should be the possibility to confront the opinions on functioning of the museum community, to introduce new trends of museology development in Europe and overseas, to provide the room for international discussion on further development and heading of museums, to share experience and inspire one another. Within the conference student section will be held again, which will be prepared by the Department of Archaeology and Museology of the Faculty of Arts of the Masaryk University and Department of Ethnology and Museology of the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University in Bratislava.

The fifth block of the conference, within which the issue of digitization and information technologies will be presented among others, is prepared in cooperation with the Czech Committee of the Blue Shield and is determined for employees of all the so-called memory institutions, i.e. employees of museums and galleries, archives, libraries, departments of preservation of monuments and also other representatives of administrative and cultural institutions. Independent seminar of the Committee on this theme will be held immediately after the conference Muzeum a změna / The Museum and Change V on 24th November 2016 and also the visitors of  the conference Muzeum a změna V / The Museum a Change V may participate in it.


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